Running the Code
In order to run DNAfold, your must have the following installed on your system:
GNU Make
C++ compiler
Furthermore, we recommend running the code in WSL, MacOS, or a Linux OS (we have tested on Ubuntu and CentOS).
The dnafold code is hosted on GitHub. Before cloning, enter the folder in which you want to store the code.
mkdir myclone
cd myclone
Then clone the repository.
git clone
This creates a folder called “dnafold” which contains two relevant folders:
“src” contains the source simuation code.
“examples” contains several example structures with corresponding input files.
To create the executable required to run the code, execute the following commands:
cd src
make clean
This creates an executable called “dnafold” in the root directory. The code is now ready to run.
First, create and enter a folder in which you want to store all the input and output files for your simulation.
mkdir mysim
cd mysim
Add the caDNAno design (see caDNAno Examples) and the parameters file (see Parameter Descriptions) to the folder. Make sure the parameters file correctly references the name of your caDNAno design.
Finally, run the following command to begin the simulation, making sure to substitute “path_to_dnafold” with the path to the “dnafold” executable created earlier.
path_to_dnafold/dnafold input.txt
The simulation should then begin!
We recommend using OVITO (link) to visualize the simulation results.
Automating the Process
If you plan to run several simulations, it may be useful to employ the following “” bash script. Make sure to define the “path_to_dnafold” variable with the path to the “dnafold” executable.
set -e
echo "Directory: $(pwd)"
echo "Job started: $(date)"
START_EPOCH=$(date +%s)
printf "\n------ prepare clone ------\n"
(cd $path_to_dnafold/src; make clean; make)
printf "\n------ running ------\n"
$path_to_dnafold/dnafold input.txt
END_EPOCH=$(date +%s)
echo "Job completed: $(date) - $(($END_EPOCH - $START_EPOCH)) seconds elapsed"
If order to run the simulation in the background and store the output in a file with the name of your choice, use the following command:
nohup ./ > report.out 2>&1 &